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Teen Depression Treatment

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Signs Your Teen May Be Depressed

Are you worried that your teenager is depressed? It is normal for a teenager to be moody and to shift towards independence. Teens also tend to have different sleep habits from children and adults. For most teens, the weekends are often marked with staying up late and sleeping into the afternoon. A teen who can’t get up for school or is not motivated to do so is clearly exhibiting a red flag. Rather I’m pointing out a sadness that is pretty constant and effects functioning at school and home.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy For Children

Teen depression is fairly common and about 20% of teens exhibit depression symptoms at some point during their teenage years. However, teen depression treatment can greatly help reduce depression symptoms.

Common Symptoms of Teen Depression

They have to be present for at least two weeks and what is probably most noticeable is a change in overall functioning. Your child is withdrawing from friends/ activities, or their grades are falling are some of the signs you may be noticing:

Depression can be biological. Have you or another family member ever experienced depression? Depression also frequently coincides with symptoms of anxietyDepression can also occur after difficult life stressors such as a parental divorce, bereavement or bullying. Sometimes though it is difficult to know what has prompted a depressive episode.

So what should you do if you are worried about your teenager? Teen depression responds well to treatment and the first step is to get them evaluated. Tell them you are concerned and want to help. Give them options for the process. Ask if they would prefer a male or female? If the clinician has a website have your son or daughter view it and give you some feedback. Offer to go with them and respect their need for privacy. Most of all know that the sooner you go for help, the better. Remember to encourage them and remain positive. In counseling, they will learn DBT skills for teens that can help them learn healthier patterns of thinking and life skills. DBT for depression is an effective way for your teen to feel supported and improve their mental health. For more information, call Suffolk DBT J.L., LCSW at (631) 828-2264 or fill out our contact form today.

Suffolk DBT proudly provides support for teens through quality dialectical behavior therapy, a form of cognitive behavioral therapy, at their offices in Manhattan and Long Island, New York and online. Their experienced NYC therapists specialize in serving teens, children, adults, and college students struggling with depression, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, and self-harm. DBT therapy in Suffolk County, NY can help you or your kids to manage emotions and work through life’s challenges.