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Depression Treatment

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Are You Tired Of Negative Self-Talk And Deep Sadness?

Does overwhelming sadness lead you to do things that make you feel better in the moment but worse afterward? For example, you try to numb the pain with a temporary fix—like overeating, sleeping all the time, or drinking. Have you been avoiding the people closest to you or people in general because you lack the energy to interact with others? Does it feel impossible to concentrate or even think straight?

Perhaps you haven’t been happy in so long that you can’t even remember what it was like to feel “normal.” Maybe, you can’t remember the last time you truly felt like yourself. And maybe, you’ve been sad and exhausted for so long that sometimes you just feel emotionally numb. Or perhaps you feel weighed down every day and you’re tired of it. You just want to feel alive again.

Do You Feel Empty And Isolated?

Most of the time no one notices anything is wrong. You might feel overwhelming sadness on the inside but feel like you can’t talk about it openly. And when they do notice and try to help, they make things worse. Perhaps they make it sound so simple and easy by saying things like, “Don’t focus on the negative”, “Think about all of the positives”, “Cheer up”, “It’s all in your head”, or “Everyone has bad days.” While everyone does have bad days, not everyone feels the way you do.

Depression is more than just sadness. It’s a more complex mix of distressing emotions, such as shame, disappointment, doubt, or fear. Sometimes, you find yourself afraid, thinking about what might happen if you never get through this and feel better.

This feeling of loneliness keeps you from fully connecting to your friends and family, and so, you may feel completely misunderstood by everyone around you. You feel shut down, not only from your loved ones but from yourself as well. You don’t want it to be this way, but it truly seems like no one understands what you are going through.

depression treatment through dbt

Do You Always Feel Drained?

Maybe, you’ve tried to focus on the positive things in your life, but you still feel stuck in overwhelming sadness. Defeated—time and time again. And this constant defeat makes you feel worthless, fearful, anxious, and down. You wish you knew how to pull yourself out of it. You wish you had someone to talk to who would truly understand and be able to help you. But you’re afraid of being misunderstood, or worse—judged.

You Are Not Alone

You may feel like you are the only one in a constant struggle to get through the day. It feels exhausting to go to school or work, see friends and family, or even shower and eat well. And so, you may feel like you’re the only one experiencing these difficulties, especially if you’ve lived with depression for years. But you aren’t alone. Clinical depression is one of the most prevalent mental health ailments in the United States and one of the most treatable.

Depression Symptoms

Depression can feel a little different for everyone. You are unique and have your own experiences. There are, however, common symptoms of depression that you might be experiencing. Some people experience only some symptoms, while others experience many. Here are some of the most common symptoms and signs of depression:

Do You Want to Feel Better?

Perhaps you’ve decided to find some help. Enough is enough; you are ready for a change. So, you’ve tried reading books or posts online and listening to friends’ advice. You’ve tried to overcome your depression alone, but nothing ever helped in the long run.

Now you’re ready to seek professional help and see a therapist. But you don’t want just any therapist; you want a therapist who will put in as much effort as you do to help you make changes in your life and overcome depression. You’re looking for a therapist who truly gets it and understands your depression.
Maybe you’ve tried depression therapy in the past, but you feel like it didn’t truly help you, or it only helped you to make temporary changes in your life. At that time, you may have not been ready to confront your emotions and your feelings head-on.

Depression Treatment Can Help You Gain Control Of Your Life

Your emotions don’t have to control you. At Suffolk DBT, our team of experienced, skilled therapists offers a safe and compassionate place where you can be unfiltered and share your struggles without the fear of judgment. We provide more than just talk therapy. We will help you look more thoroughly at your depression and figure out why you feel this way. Then, you’ll learn actual skills that can help you begin to feel better and overcome your challenges.

We specialize in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). With the help of DBT as adult and teen depression treatment, you’ll learn how to live more in the here and now. This approach is an evidence-based treatment (developed in Long Island by Dr. Marsha Linehan) that will teach you to be mindful of your thoughts in the present moment so that you can learn to regulate yourself and tolerate intense emotions during a crisis. These skills will help you manage your emotions in a healthier way.

DBT has been very successful in treating depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), to name a few. DBT is a form of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). While CBT focuses on changing negative thoughts to improve your emotional state, DBT allows you to gain a better sense of who you are and what you want your life to be. As you learn to recognize how your body is reacting to distress, you will be able to identify the sources before the pain you’re in becomes too overwhelming.

Depression Treatment at Suffolk DBT

depression treatment through dbt

We incorporate both individual and group sessions in your treatment to help you learn skills to manage depression symptoms and help you feel more like yourself again. During individual sessions, you’ll learn to replace negative emotional patterns with healthier ones. You will also learn to keep a “Diary Card”, which will be used to take notes of your daily emotions and struggles. Together, we will go over your Diary Card to figure out the harmful or negative patterns so that we can help you develop the skills to manage your emotions during challenging situations.

In group sessions, we start with a mindfulness practice and then go over module lessons from previous meetings. We also talk about new skills you can begin to try the following week. In this safe, supportive group of people who can truly relate to your experience. You get the opportunity to learn coping skills—such as mindful, nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment—which can improve your ability to tolerate distress during moments of pain.

You can also learn how to change your perspective and understand that your emotions don’t have to control you. In fact, you are capable of changing them and calming yourself down. You can learn to shift your perspective away from the constant black and white thinking that makes things seem either terrible or incredible. And you can learn to accept people and things in a more forgiving way—a “middle path.”

You don’t have to suffer from unbearable depression anymore or wonder how to deal with depression on your own. As trained specialists for Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, we’re passionate about the power of DBT for depression and are committed to offering you the best treatment possible.

With our support, you can learn to cope with depression and start living the life you want and deserve.

You may still save questions about depression treatment…

I’ve been to depression counseling before and it didn’t help.

Maybe, you’ve tried depression therapy in the past but feel you didn’t get what you needed to cope with and overcome depression. Or you may not have been ready to confront your feelings and emotions the last time you tried therapy. The right depression therapist can guide you and give you the support you need so that you can start living with happiness and ease. DBT skills will help you to manage overwhelming feelings and create your own peace when you need it most.

I don’t feel comfortable sharing in larger groups.

Some people experience some level of anxiety and uncertainty about attending group sessions. Most, though, eventually enjoy the communication and socialization skills they learn during group therapy. They gradually feel comfortable expressing their issues and accepting feedback from others, and they develop self-awareness from others with similar issues.

I’m afraid my family won’t be supportive.

You may have attended therapy several times in the past with no improvement and it may have taken a toll on your family and other relationships. At Suffolk DBT, we are committed to working together as a team with you, your family members, or loved ones. They will have the opportunity to attend family group sessions where they can learn the same skill you’re working on so they can provide support and you can learn to heal together.

If I share having suicidal ideations or self-harm, I’ll be sent to in-house treatment.

Our goal is to keep you from extended in-house hospital stays. If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, we’ll help you become aware of the thoughts that are triggering those ideations and coach you through the crisis. We’ll work on skills to help you manage difficult and harmful thoughts to reduce any urges to hurt yourself. And we will give you alternatives to self-harm. Unlike other treatment centers, we’re available to you when you need us.

Let Us Help You

If you don’t know how to deal with depression, we invite you to set up an appointment with our staff by calling 631-828-2262. No matter how difficult your situation, you can learn to manage your emotions and feel more connected to yourself and the world around you through adult or teen depression treatment at Suffolk DBT. We are here for you.

Suffolk DBT proudly provides quality dialectical behavior therapy, a form of cognitive behavioral therapy, at their offices in Manhattan and Long Island, New York and online. Their experienced NYC therapists specialize in serving teens, children, adults, and college students struggling with depression, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, and self-harm. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills and treatment can help you or your kids to manage emotions and work through life’s challenges.

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