Questions? Nassau (516) 714-4707 | Suffolk – North Shore (631) 828-2264 | Suffolk – South Shore (631) 828-2264 | NYC (646) 939-5210


Do you feel your emotions intensely and does it feel like it takes a long time for you to get over things? Are your relationships suffering? Do you act impulsively and feel like things are often out of control? Do you feel like people don’t “get” you or they misunderstand you?

If yes, then we are here to help. Book a free screening call with a licensed mental health therapist in Long Island or a mental health therapist in Manhattan.

Mental Health Therapy teaches you how to:

DBT-C Screening For Children 7-12

Mental Health Screening for Adults and Adolescents

How We Can Help!

Our Locations

NYC | Manhattan

303 5th Ave #901

New York, NY 10016

Suffolk County

5505 Nesconset Hwy #222

Mount Sinai, NY 11766

Nassau County

97 Powerhouse Road #104

Roslyn Heights 11577

Ready to speak with a licensed Mental Health Therapist near you?