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What is Adoption Competent Therapy?

Image of a mixed race family with two black parents who adopted a young girl. The family would benefit from working with an adoption competent therapist on Long Island.

Adoption has lifelong effects on individuals and families who experience it—lifelong positive and negative effects that can impact the mental, emotional, and behavioral health of adoptees and the families adopting them. Since challenges can arise at any life stage after adoption, adoptive families should consider seeing an adoption-competent therapist, such as our very own Ann […]

Using DBT Mindfulness to Make the Most of Thanksgiving

Image of a family carving their turkey on Thanksgiving and looking for ways to be mindful during this holiday season as a boost to their DBT therapy in Suffolk County NY.

Holiday ads, cards, movies, and other media traditionally promote gratitude and cheer. You may feel forced to conform to the joyful seasonal attitude. But in some cases, feigning cheeriness on the outside may go against what you’re feeling inside. When you’re more mindful, aware, and honest about how you feel and why, however, you’ll healthily […]

How is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) so effective?

Man on a New York sidewalk with a hat and phone in hand googling, "Why is Dialectical Behavior Therapy So Effective?"

What is DBT? Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for teens, adults, and children is a very effective form of therapy that combines individual therapy with skills training group sessions to support individuals in managing emotions and navigating life’s difficulties. If you’re new to therapy, you may not be aware of the research and effectiveness behind DBT. You may […]